Next Level Shopping Mall

Project Information

Project Name:

Next Level Shopping Mall






Landscape Installation

Completion Date:

October 2013



Shopping mall complex embracing nature for visitors enjoyment and navigation


  • 150


  • 7500

    m2 Landscape

About Next Level Shopping Mall

A large shopping complex in Ankara, Next Level Shopping Mall is home to luxurious brands in a spacious and comfortable environment. The mall also embraces cultural activities with its space for concerts, dance and fashion shows, kids entertainment and exhibitions. 

The ornamental pools and large plants pots demonstrate the benefits of indoor landscaping as the bright natural colors contrast with the modern architecture and design of the shopping mall while cleaning the air as well as creating beautiful scents. The large flower beds are low maintenance with the slate bed and colorful shrubs and also serve as fantastic meeting points for families who separate for the shopping needs and seating areas for lunch times.

Outside, the green areas with large trees provide shade for cars in the parking lot and serve as identifiable points for people finding their vehicles, while the islands of bushes and shrubs provide a natural backdrop for diners in the outside restaurant area.

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